Hypothermia & Frostbite - Cold Illness


Hypothermia & Frostbite - Cold Illness

Cold related injuries also be looked into serious as heat related safety concerns, for the cold injuries it is to prioritize and limit our outside work during low temperature and wind chill extremes, and to use the correct PPE for any outside work.

Pay special consideration to protection of the face & head, hands, wrists, and feet. Gloves with gauntlets should be used to prevent exposed skin areas between the jacket and gloves.


Hypothermia is one of the serious health concern bcz of the cold temperature, it will lower the body core temperature to the point where it is no longer functioning properly. Hypothermia symptoms include intense shivering, poor coordination, stumbling, loss of memory, thickness of speech and drowsiness.

Hearing Protection Safety Why It Matters

Hypothermia is insidious, and left untreated, may result in collapse and sometimes death. Employees to be very careful, Dehydration, or the loss of body fluids, occurs gradually in the cold environment and may raise the susceptibility of workers to cold injury due to a significant change in blood flow to the extremities. During cold climates, Warm, sweet drinks and soups should be taken to the work site to provide caloric intake and fluid volume. Employees with a cold, or flu, or certain diseases, such as diabetes, heart, vascular, and thyroid problems may be more susceptible to the cold/winter elements. Becoming exhausted or immobilized, especially due to injury can speed up the effects of cold weather. It is important to note that most hypothermia cases are reported during cool weather conditions.

Safeguarding Your Construction Site: 

A Practical Guide


Prevent further heat loss, contact emergency services, and transport as soon as possible as directed to a medical facility.


Frostbite is very dangerous, its freezing the body tissue. It may range from minor injury (“frost nip”) to complete freezing of an extremity. Untreated frostbitten areas will first become reddened, and then become gray or white, particularly on exposed ear lobes, cheeks, or nose. Left untreated, the skin becomes numb and dead white. Watch co-workers for signs of frostbite.


Transport as soon as possible to a medical facility.


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