Steam Hazards and Safety Requirements


Steam Hazards and 

Safety Requirements

Steam is one of the major utility source in industry and it is used for various purposes. Each cleaning or purging application utilizing steam to eliminate a process equipment flammable atmosphere will require a written specific job plan that is reviewed by a Engineer and Safety office. These plans at a minimum must address the requirements outlined in the Tank / Vessel / Piping Preparation and Cleaning Procedure and the following considerations.

General Safety Requirements

PPE considerations need to be assessed to protect employees from burns from hot surfaces or contact with steam, it to be the last line defense. The exiting steam and waste can form an ignitable mixture once it combines with the outside air. It is important to eliminate ignition sources near the tank / pipe / vessel such as vehicles, heaters, etc. and monitor the wind direction. Place the caution signages to alert the people. The steam plume exiting a vessel, tank or pipe can contain high level of hydrocarbons including benzene. Caution must be used to ensure that employees, offices, or air intakes are not in the path of the plume. Always place barricades and or visible signs as needed. Employees to be trained in the emergency preparedness and evacuation. Safety shower and eye wash provisions to be provided.

Safeguarding Your Construction Site: 

A Practical Guide

Contraction and expansion must be considered for all types of equipment and coatings due to rapid temperature changes. This can affect tanks, vessels, or pipelines. The way equipment is secured and allowed to move must also be considered. This is especially true when using both steam and nitrogen to purge systems. Ensure that the steam nozzle and tank/vessel are bonded together and grounded to prevent static discharge during operations. Follow all energy isolation procedures to prepare the equipment for cleaning or purging.

Environmental Considerations

All solid and liquid waste streams should be managed and disposed of in accordance with the local government guidelines. Some waste streams may require sampling and lab analyses to determine the proper disposal option. Environmental should be contacted prior to generation of wastes. Appropriate spill prevention procedures should be developed and implemented prior to any steaming operation. All spills must be reported per defined procedures. The force of the exiting steam may produce misting containing hydrocarbon residue. Necessities for mist containment must be considered:

The Importance of Electrical Safety in Industry

If a tank is to be steamed it must be determined if the tank is a double walled tank. It is critical that there be a vent between the inner and outer wall of the tank. Usually this vent is located on the upper outer wall of the tank. If no vent is located on the tank, steaming cannot be performed as severe damage to the tank could result. If it is deemed that repairs to the tank walls need to be preformed additional atmospheric testing must be done inside the tank and in the space between the inner and outer wall, all confined space safety requirements must be ensured.

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