Ventilation Requirements for Confined Space


Ventilation Requirements 

for Confined Space

Ventilation Requirements for Confined Space

The Importance of Spill Control

Ventilation is very important in confined space for the safe work. Mechanical ventilation (e.g., air movers) in confined space shall be used to ensure the removal of all hazardous airborne contaminants where a hazardous atmosphere exists or could develop during the course of planned work (painting, welding, gas cutting etc.).

Mechanical Ventilation - If the confined space is within process equipment or where combustible or flammable material may be present, mechanical ventilation shall be used during the entire period of occupancy, even if gas testing indicates no hazardous concentrations inside the space.

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Venting - Flammable/toxic gases or vapors vented from a confined space shall be removed in such a manner that the venting does not pose a risk to employees, equipment, or operations. Precautions shall be taken to eliminate potential sources of ignition in areas where flammable gases or vapors are vented.

Procedure for mechanical ventilation - Where practical, mechanical ventilation shall provide air blowing into the bottom or lower portion of the confined space and exhaust out the top or upper portion of the space.

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Air Contaminants - Blowers or other means of introducing air into a confined space shall be placed so as to minimize the possibility of introducing air contaminants (e.g., CO).

Bonding of Electrical Equipment’s - All electrical and static-producing equipment, including air movers, shall be properly grounded and bonded to the vessel/tank (if applicable).

Mechanical ventilation/cooling shall be directed at the immediate areas where persons are working within the confined space and shall continue until all person(s) have left the space.

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For some jobs like welding, grit blasting, spray painting, etc., additional ventilation may be necessary to sufficiently reduce the accumulation of hazardous vapor, mist or particulates. Local exhaust ventilation may also be required for such jobs when the internal configuration of the confined space impedes air circulation.

Never Use - Plant air or engine-driven compressed air shall never be used for mechanical ventilation.

Natural Ventilation - In lieu of mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation may be used as the source of ventilation in a confined space only if there is no potential for the development of a hazardous atmosphere. Examples of such locations include entries into open excavations or structures, diked areas surrounding tanks, etc.

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